animalmonkeymonkey story

Monkey grabs a camera for a selfie with a stunned family on holiday in Bali… and flips the middle finger!


A family got the holiday snap of a lifetime when a monkey grabbed their camera and took a selfie – before giving them the middle finger.

The family from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia were on a dream holiday in Bali, Indonesia when they decided to make a day trip to the popular Ubud Monkey Forest.

Judy, 37, Simon, 36, and three kids Elijah, 13, Jimmy, 11, and Kayleigh, eight, visited the sacred forest, where hundreds of monkeys reside.

They asked a local guide to take photos of them during the day and were stunned to look back at the snaps and see the curious monkey flipping its middle finger.

After looking back at the pictures, mother and administration worker Judy said her family burst out laughing.

Judy said: ‘We were only in Bali for a week and thought it would be fun to go on a day tour around Bali.

As part of the tour, we went to the monkey forest. I thought it would be a fun experience.

‘While we were there, a guide offered to take our photo. But as he did, a monkey suddenly came in front of the camera.

‘The guide had peanuts in his hand and then began feeding him. It was really funny.

‘As I was flicking through the photos afterwards, I noticed that in one of them the monkey was actually giving us the finger.

The priceless snap was captured during the family’s holiday to Bali in December 2018 and has been shared online for the first time this week.

Judy said that the unforgettable image was one of the highlights of their entire trip – and added that it would not be long before she and her family returned to Bali.

The mother added: ‘I posted the photo to my Facebook and Instagram and all my family and friends thought it was hilarious.

‘The experience was one of the highlights of our trip, and the photo itself is something we can look back on to remember forever.

‘Bali is such a beautiful place and we can’t wait to go back one day.’

According to the Daily Mail, Virunga National Park is currently home to 600 hunters and two of them have had unprecedented experiences when taking selfies with gorillas weighing up to 180kg.

One photo shows the gorilla standing directly behind the two men. Another photo, taken in “family style”, shows two gorillas in the camera with the hunter.

The last photo attracted special attention with 12,000 “likes” and 14,000 “shares” on Facebook in just a few days.

A person named Pernilla Winterskiöld commented: “What a wonderful job. Please respect and appreciate what everyone has done.”

According to the park’s website, the area has been “severely affected” by war and conflict over the past two decades, making the presence of specialized anti-poaching hunters essential.

A total of 179 hunters died while working here. “These are local men who risk their own lives to ensure the security of the national park and the wildlife, especially the gorillas.”


Most recently, a hunter named Hakizimana Sinamenye Chadrack died after being attacked by a hippo while standing by a river.

Virunga National Park in the Albertine valley, east of the Republic of the Congo. The park was established in 1925 and was one of the first protected places in Africa.

An estimated 400 gorillas, divided into 10 groups, live freely in the areas of Mgahinga Park, Uganda and Virunga Park, Congo.

Like other “young adults”, Jelani loves taking selfies, loves smartphones and can watch popular YouTube videos for hours. But there’s one thing that sets Jelani apart: “he” is a gorilla.

The silverback monkey at the Louisville Zoo’s Gorilla Forest exhibition, in the US, is getting more and more attention for his interest in smartphones. Jelani the gorilla has achieved what many young people want: to become famous on the Internet.

“It seems to like the gorilla videos and photos the most,” said Kyle Shepherd, media relations manager for the Louisville Zoo.

“It also looks at pictures of people. The scenery doesn’t seem to capture its attention.”

Last week, 19-year-old Lindsey Costello, a zoo visitor, got to see the gorilla in action.

Constello sat next to the glass in the zoo’s monkey display and started showing Jelani photos and videos on a smartphone.

The girl was shocked to see the large primate attentively watching video after video of baby gorilla for nearly 20 minutes. The gorilla seems to know how to make requests.

“It was clear that the monkey liked what he was watching. If I put the phone away, the monkey will stretch out to watch,” Costtell told CBS News.

“If he didn’t like a certain photo or video, he would raise his arm and shove it aside. It was amazing!,” said Lindsey Costello.

Costello posted a snap of her interaction with the gorilla on her Instagram page, and the photo has gone viral online with over 1,000 “likes.”

“I’ve never done anything like this in my life,” Costello said. “I thought this only happened in movies.”

But for Jelani, this behavior is completely normal.

Jill Katka, assistant curator of mammals at the zoo, said: “Jelani is a very laid-back and social individual. Jelani’s interest in photos and videos began when he was very young. The monkey was born on January 6, 1997 at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, fell and was injured, the injury caused the monkey to require short-term medical intervention.

“Volunteers at that zoo showed the monkey books and tapes to annotate while he was recovering,” Katka said.


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