
“When Peace Turns to Chaos: Buffalo Wreaks Havoc on Lion Couple’s Honeymoon”


The lion is the king of the grasslands, but does not always win in duels. In many cases, they are forced to flee to preserve their lives when encountering too aggressive prey.

A male and female lion looking for a private space to mate. The male lion led the female to a safe place, where they passed a herd of wild buffalo.

When preparing to mate, the buffalo for some reason rushed to attack the two lions. Before the fierceness of the buffalo, the two lions had to run away.

They turned to look for an opportunity to counterattack the buffalo herd with sharp claws, but the buffalo herd did not panic, they raised their horns and charged very bravely.

Knowing that they could not counterattack against the terrifying power of the buffalo herd, the male and female lions could only continue to run away, to avoid being attacked by the buffalo herd.

In the end, the buffalo gave up and returned to the herd, while the two lions continued to find hiding places to mate.


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