
“Lion King’s Revenge: Male Lion Returns to Settle Scores with 100 Lions”


A male lion will be the king of all species in a certain territory and to defeat that pride may be impossible. A herd of hyenas is testing a male lion with the most tragic outcome.

The male lion is patrolling his territory and looking for prey. The male lion is suddenly ambushed by a pack of ferocious hyenas intent on revenge.

The pride of the male lion is disturbed and a hyena is immediately captured. The hyenas are still trying to attack the male lion to rescue its comrades.

The male lion quickly finished the hyena in his mouth and started the fight with the remaining hyenas. After several unsuccessful attacks on the male lion and several members of the herd being injured, the hyena gave up.


The male lion returned to check on the badly injured hyena and made sure it was dead before he walked away leisurely. A painful lesson for the hyenas to dare to attack the king of this wild land.

The new video was posted on Youtube and is going viral.


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