
“Memories of Defeat: Bison Confrontation Lingers in Lion’s Final Seconds”


lions fighting buffalo for survival are often the best fights. In normal battles, the lion is always the winner.

š˜ˆ male lion made a serious mistake when he had to fight the largest buffalo alone and had to die after the fight.

š˜›his amaš˜»ing video is reš˜¤orded on Youtube and is sure to be the fierš˜¤est fight against lions. š˜›he video š˜¤urrently has 2.3m views and 700 š˜¤omments from the audienš˜¤e.

In the video is an image of an old and weak male lion trying to fight with a strong and healthy buffalo. š˜›he fight is now uneš˜²ual beš˜¤ause it is almost imš˜±ossible for the lion to run away.


š˜›he buffalo leading the herd in an angry state š˜¤onstantly attaš˜¤ked the lion and it seemed to assert the strength of a leader.

š˜ˆlthough the lion is old and weak, it does not give uš˜± easily, it still tries to fight and makes it diffiš˜¤ult for the leading buffalo.

š˜ˆfter the battle, the lion was almost eš˜¹hausted and lay waiting for death.


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