animalattacksnakesnake life
Terrifying close-up of two male snakes biting each other to fight for a female

Two male eastern brown snakes have been filmed fighting over a female on the Sunshine Coast.

Luke Huntley from Snake Catcher Noosa was called to a property at Eumundi to relocate the feuding pair from a garden path and called in a second snake catcher Jack Hogan to assist.

The snakes were completely entangled when Mr Huntley grabbed one skilfully by the tail and lifted it into a long-handled black snake catching bag.

Mr Hogan ran after the second snake, which had taken shelter in a garden, and lifted it into a second bag.
Eumundi is a hotspot for brown snakes and spring is typical breeding season, making sightings more likely.
Snake catchers recommend if you see a snake, give it plenty of space and call in a professional.
Eumundi is a hotspot for brown snakes and spring is typical breeding season, making sightings more likely.
Snake catchers recommend if you see a snake, give it plenty of space and call in a professional.