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Queensland snake catcher called to retrieve unwanted guest behind television cabinet


A Queensland family has called on the help of a snake catcher to remove an unwanted house guest which had settled in behind their television cabinet.
Tony Morrison, from Redlands Snake Catcher, was called to the Cleveland home during prime time yesterday afternoon to remove the python.
“The guys are watching TV and there is a snake that is under the TV cabinet,” Mr Morrison said in the video posted to Facebook.

Mr Morrison moved the cabinet away from the wall to reveal the 1.5-metre snake curled up behind it.
Unlike many other snakes documented during some catcher’s call-outs, this one could not be confused for a power cable.
“The interesting part about this is, it’s not just a little snake – it’s a good-sized snake,” Mr Morrison said.
“I don’t know how grumpy he is.
“He’s a nice length, this one.
“Certainly a little bit big(ger) than you’d want in your house.”


Mr Morrison said on his post the family was unsure how the snake came to be inside the home, remarking that the family did have a screen door.
“We’re still scratching our heads,” he said.
Mr Morrison said the snake would be relocated to a more suitable area for a python.


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