animalattackmonkeymonkey story

Teasing ‘beautiful marquis’, tourists have chipped foreheads


Thinking that the group of tourists was intentionally invading and encroaching on the territory, the baboons were extremely angry, they frantically threw stones at the group of 5 people who were swinging on the rope.

Recently, in South Africa, there was an incident of wild animals attacking humans, specifically a group of 7 tourists were violently attacked by a pack of wild baboons, seriously injured, had to be taken to the emergency room by helicopter.

According to the posted information, a group of 7 tourists was climbing and swinging in the Banhoek Mountains in Stellenbosch, South Africa when 5 of the group mistakenly entered the territory of the wild baboons.

Thinking that the group of tourists was intentionally invading and encroaching on the territory, the baboons were extremely angry, they immediately gathered around, picked up stones, and frantically threw them at the group of 5 people who were swinging on the rope.

One of the baboons even pushed down a rock weighing about 60 kg, as a result, when the rock fell, the debris injured 2 tourists in the legs, 2 others in the face. In it, a person was hit by a broken rock, almost fell off the cliff, fortunately, he was saved by a seat belt.


Seeing that the situation was too dangerous, the group despite the injury, suppressed the pain and climbed down. However, the baboons did not stop, they continued to throw stones at the group of tourists, forcing them to find a cliff to hide in.

At this point, a tourist decided to call for help, report the current situation and tell the lifeguard that the group was attacked by baboons.

Immediately, a rescue helicopter was sent to the scene, 3 seriously injured people were taken to the hospital for emergency treatment, the remaining 4 people left on their own.

Johann Marais, a spokesman for the rescue team, said that the rescue of the three seriously injured people was very quick, thanks to the rest of the people who were not injured, they took very good care of their friends and kept them safe. be calm.


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