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Monkeys prove that they have a brain on IQ that makes people respect


From detecting tuberculosis in humans to outperforming us in memory tests, we aren’t the only intelligent creatures on this planet. Truth be told, we’re far from it. We tend to believe we’re the smartest species on Earth, using traditional classroom intelligence as the benchmark to measure an animal’s brainpower, but those tests just scratch the surface. For example, while we can create sonar technology to track an enemy submarine, dolphins are born with it.
All animals make their own decisions – whether it’s instinctual or well thought out – just like us. So, while some of the animals have smaller brains than us, or vastly larger ones, each animal is intelligent and unique in its own way.
Here are the smartest animals that have continued to show their remarkable intelligence time after time.

Honey Badger is master escape artist, how he manages to outsmart people is astonishing

I knew that honey badgers were smart, but this is out of control. Meet Stoffel, the Houdini of honey badgers. Stoffel successfully escapes every enclosure his rescuers at Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in South Africa.

Because I’m sure the question will come up, I researched why Stoffel was living in an enclosure to begin with. He seems to want to be free so badly! It turns out that Stoffel was hand raised by a farmer in the area. Since the farmer started engaging (and feeding) Stoffel at such an early age, he had been imprinted by humans. Unfortunately, this meant it was not safe for clever Stoffel to live in the wild.
Stoffel was initially allowed to roam free at the rehab center, but he was constantly killing other animals – from rabbits to even an adult tawny eagle! Thus, the rescuers at Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre had no choice other than to keep Stoffel separate from the other animals.

’Cha Cha’ the chimp leads police on merry dance after dramatic escape

A chimpanzee escaped from a zoo in northern Japan, climbed a tall electricity pole and then plunged from the wires into a blanket held by a dozen workers after being hit with a sedative arrow.
The chimpanzee was on the loose for nearly two hours after it disappeared from the Yagiyama Zoological Park in Sendai. Chacha perched atop a pole, agitated and screaming at zoo workers below. A worker in a cherry picker shot the chimpanzee in the back with the arrow, sending it scampering along the wires.
Chacha pulled the arrow out, but dangling from an electric line, appeared to lose its grip as the sedative took effect, and suddenly fell head down into the blanket.

Inky the octopus’s tenacious escape reveals intelligent, soulful creature

It was a daring escape in the middle of night that saw Inky the octopus make a successful dash for freedom from his tank to the Pacific Ocean. The male octopus squeezed himself out of the aquarium after staff left the lid slightly ajar at the National Aquarium in Napier, a coastal city on New Zealand’s North Island.


He managed to crawl his way down the side of the tank and slid across the floor, before squeezing into a 150 mm drainage pipe that led to the nearby ocean. The lid had been left just slightly ajar, just slightly, and he found this rather tempting, climbed out, and was able to make his way across the floor. He managed to make his way to one of the drain holes that go back to the ocean and off he went, didn’t even leave us a message.

Meet Ken, San Diego Zoo’s Most Infamous (and Hairiest) Escape Artist

In 1985, there was a sassy Bornean Orangutan named Ken Allen living at the San Diego zoo safari park. Over the years he became a hero and was known for his intelligence in becoming a regular escape artist. From a young age, he was making nightly escapes from his cage by unscrewing the bolts to explore the nursery and then re-screwing them in the morning before zookeepers arrived. He also liked to playfully unscrew any lightbulbs he could reach.

His first escape was on June 13th, after the 250 lb. orangutan climbed up and out of his exhibit. Allen ventured into the walkway along with tourists and peered in the other zoo animals in their cages like a zoo visitor. Of course, staff quickly caught him and sent him back to his cage.
After this, zoo officials upped his pen security. The wall enclosing his open area featuring a playpen and large moat was raised by four feet, in hopes to prevent another escape. However, that did not happen. A few weeks later, Ken Allen escaped again. This time, the Hairy Houdini made his way to flex, as they say on his nemesis. Allen’s nemesis was another orangutan named Otis. At one point they were pen-mates, but that day, zookeepers found Allen throwing rocks at Otis.
As if fate would have it, things just kept happening that enabled him to escape his cage. In August he found a crowbar in his pen left behind by careless zoo workers. Allen tossed it to a nearby female orangutan called Vicki who used it to open a window to let him out. After this, he was moved to another.


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