Tender moment a mother monkey hands her new born baby straight into the arms of its doting father in India

This is the adorable moment a mother monkey hands her newborn baby straight into the arms of its doting father in India.
Photographer Punyavir Sharma, 41, captured the baby langur monkey’s first moments at Kanha Tiger Reserve, India.
He said: ‘We were on our regular safari and were tracking tigers in the forest. On the way, we saw a group of langurs monkeys playing on the road.
‘We stopped there for some time and started observing their activities.
‘I saw a couple which was very busy handling their newly born baby. I started capturing some of the most beautiful moments of love and care.’
The grey langur monkey, also known as the hanuman monkey, are terrestrial monkey’s native to India. Extending 30 inches, their tails add an extra 40 inches.
Langur monkeys can leap up to 15 feet when moving in between trees and can descend 40 feet safely in one jump.
Punyavir said: ‘Monkeys are a large and diverse mammal group that includes most primates, they are quite notorious and mischievous too in their behaviour.
‘God has made both humans and animals, both are so different but when it comes to parenthood both love and take care of their babies with the same intensity, their behaviour becomes exactly the same.
‘I was so busy capturing these moments. I enjoyed every bit of it. I can’t express the feeling.’