
Nature’s Ballet: Baby Warthog’s Graceful Dodges Thwart Jaguar’s Attack


In this quiet, mesmerizing video, we are so happy to see a jaguar attacking the baby warthogs but it fails, watching this chase while the baby warthongs were running around the mother warthong looking for food, suddenly a jaguar appears to attach the whole warthog.

At the beginning of the video, when the baby warthongs were wandering around, the speed of the jaguar was unbelievable, but the young warthongs were very smart, constantly changing the direction of the run, confusing the predator and making it very difficult for the jaguar to catch them.


In this chase, the jaguar attacked a young warthog, the speed of the predator is formidable, but the young warthong is also very smart, constantly changing the direction of the run, making it very difficult for the jaguar to catch it.

After a while of chasing, the jaguar gave up, just watching the prey from the river, but the young warthog was also very exhausted, constantly catching the breath of the jaguar, making it very difficult for the jaguar to chase it.


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