
Hunt of the Kings: Lion’s Unmatched Hunting Power Decisively Takes Down the Wildebeest.


Sue Morris, a photographer from Hampshire, UK, was enjoying a safari in Nxai Pan National Park, Botswana when she witnessed a safari in nature’s purest form. She captured a lioness stalking and then feeding a wildebeest to try to keep your food.

The images show the powerful wilderness fighting for her life before the lioness knocks it down – and then feeds on its carcass to her cubs. Sue said: ‘The lioness joined and after a struggle that lasted nearly two minutes, the wildebeest gave in.

“It was certainly a difficult thing to keep track of, but seeing the family of lions a few days ago, it was clear that the cubs needed a meal.

“While they might seem event in close quarters and in broad daylight is highly unusual and I have had the honor of documenting such an event.


“Watching such an event in close quarters and in broad daylight is highly unusual, and I have had the honor of documenting such an event.”

Witnessing such an event in close quarters and in broad daylight is highly unusual and I have had the honor of documenting such an event in my time as a nature’s greatest battles and experiencing real life before one of nature’s greatest battlers and experiencing realism.”

About what is needed to survive in nature’s greatest battles and experiencing real-life struggles and experiencing resilience.


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