
“The Last Stand of Tophi: Fighting Fatigue to Mark the Hyena with Scars”


Hyenas are the most opportunistic predators and they often appear at the end of fights to steal other species’ food or get an easy meal.

But this time its opponent is a very brave Tophi antelope. Tophi went through a tense fight with 2 cheetahs and survived with a large wound on his back.

The hyena appears and wishes for an easy meal, but the hyena quickly receives a fierce battle.


The Tophi antelope stood up and continued to fight vigorously, surprising the hyena and receiving painful blows from the Tophi.

The fight was fast-paced as the hyenas proved to be rather clumsy and were repeatedly beaten.

The hyena then withdrew and Tophi the antelope became the best winner, taking down two cheetahs and the hyena at the same time.


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