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“The Accidental Showdown: A Snake'”s Misstep Leads to a Terrifying Encounter with a Gangster Gecko


Snakes will be a terrible fear for geckos, but facing a green snake that is hunting, this pair of geckos seems to have won.

Video recording a life-and-death battle between a green snake and a gecko on the wall of a house is quickly going viral.

The green snake is said to be a hunter and is trying to suffocate a gecko. The fight was extremely intense when the gecko was not a weak person.

The gecko also quickly took a bite on the back of the snake, making it uncomfortable for the snake to squeeze its prey.

The climax of the fight was the appearance of the third, when another gecko appeared. This gecko is scared and doesn’t know how to save its friend.


It finally decided to attack the snake with bites to the body and head of the snake. The captured gecko also gradually came out of the snake’s captivity.

The intense battle ended when the snake accepted a free fall from a height of about 5m to the ground full of pain.

The video quickly went viral about the attraction as well as the great friendship.


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