Horrified, the 31-year-old zoo employee was seriously injured by a gorilla when he broke his arms and injured his chest

A zoo keeper has been savagely mauled by a 31-stone gorilla that she raised from its birth.
The woman, 46, was left with two broken arms and chest and head injuries after the attack at the Madrid Zoo this morning.
Malabo, a 29-year-old male gorilla, managed to break through three doors to get to the indoor facilities of the zoo while the zookeeper was getting on with the usual breakfast routine.
The zookeeper was stabilised by paramedics at the scene before being rushed to the Madrid Clinical Hospital in a serious condition. The Municipal Police of Madrid have taken over the investigation as it is classified as a work accident.
A statement just issued by the zoo said: ‘Given the event that occurred this morning with a gorilla keeper from the Madrid Zoo, we share our official note and our wishes for a speedy recovery for this worker.
‘The events took place this morning, around 10am when a keeper with 19 years of experience at the zoo accessed the indoor facilities for the usual breakfast routine, cleaning and preparing the facilities.
‘Upon entering a bounded area with a triple door, the caretaker met Malabo, a 29-year-old male gorilla, who had accessed it.
‘The reasons why the animal was able to access the area are being investigated internally. However, the judicial investigation will determine the exact details.
‘It should be noted that this interior area is for driving, with no exit to the public area and in this sense, the emergency protocol was quickly activated, notifying the Samur emergncy team and the municipal police.
‘The zoo team managed to remove the animal and later, the veterinary team anaesthetised the animal with a tranquilliser dart, which was transferred to its interior bedroom and at the moment, it is calm.’
‘Note that Malabo has been raised by his caregivers since he was born with a protective behaviour towards the group and close to his caregivers. At this time, the caregiver has a reserved prognosis and the first thing is to wish her speedy recovery.’
‘Today, the gorilla facilities will remain closed so that both Malabo and the rest of the group are calm.’