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Can-do moment a brave train driver uses a broom to remove an unwelcome visitor from the tracks


A train driver at a busy city station has plucked a 2.3metre python from the tracks with a broom after the reptile threatened the timely departure of his rail service.

The employee was caught on film kneeling on a platform at Roma Street Station in Brisbane’s CBD before gingerly hoisting the critter away with the broom on Monday.

Vision showed the driver walking down to the end of the platform to get the snake off the tracks and out of the way so his Bundaberg-bound Tilt train could get going.

The large reptile was seen hanging off the man’s broom while concerned rail staff stood back at a distance looking on.

Snakecatchers were called after the python was first spotted but officials were told it would be a two-hour wait for an expert to arrive, 7News said.

The delay resulted in the train driver taking matters into his own hands by removing the snake from the tracks and putting it down at the end of the platform.

Scott Cornish from Queensland Rail said train drivers are sometimes required to remove wildlife from tracks to keep the rail service running and for ‘customer safety’.

‘We’re thankful our driver was able to protect both the snake and our customers by placing it safely out of the rail corridor,’ he said.


‘We’re also happy to report the 2.3metre carpet python has been rehomed to a lush new habitat in the bush.’

It comes while snakescatchers have been unusually busy this winter season in south-east Queensland.

Tony Harrison from Harrison’s Gold Coast and Brisbane Snake Catcher said the unusual warm climate was bringing the snakes out.

‘Because we’re still getting 31C tops, these guys are still out doing their thing,’ Mr Harrison said.

He added cold-blooded critters are more active when it’s warmer but slow down in cooler climates.

Meanwhile, the image of the snake being lifted up off the tracks drew surprise and praise for the driver on social media.

‘Not all heroes wear a cape,’ one said.

‘Yeah I would need a broom at least twice as long for that kind of maneuver,’ said another.

‘Wouldn’t have expected to find a snake in the CBD, especially not at a noisy, vibrating [as trains pass] train station,’ said a third.

‘Can already see him getting a written warning for incorrect use of a broom,’ joked one sarcastic commenter.


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