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Monkeys are daring when they burst into someone’s home in South Africa and take a dip in their swimming pool


A pair of baboons have been caught on camera monkeying around in a residential pool.

The duo were seen by Garth Bradley, 50, through the window of his home in South Africa.

The baboons are seen diving in and out of the water, with scenes resembling young children playing poolside.

One of the two primates lounges by the pool and takes sporadic sips of water during the video.

One of the two primates lounges by the pool and takes sporadic sips of water during the video.

‘I went to check that the doors were locked – otherwise they would come to the kitchen for easy food.


‘I then noticed the two baboons playing around the pool and drinking water.
‘The young baboon then jumped in the pool and the bigger one joined.

Mr Bradley said it was common for baboons to visit his home.

‘This is the first time we have had them in our pool – they normally come down every second week or so to forage in the garden,’ he said.

‘They played in the pool for about five minutes and it was wonderful to witness.’

Baboons are native to most parts of Africa and some of the Arabian peninsula.



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