
“Survival of the Fittest: Buffalo’s Miraculous Escape from the Lion Ambush”


In the clip, a lone buffalo is surrounded by dozens of lions and then jumps on the body to attack violently.

Although inferior in number, the buffalo still did not submit but strongly protested. Before the fierce attacks of the prey, the lions also showed caution.

In order to defeat the buffalo, they decided to focus on the tail of their prey. However, despite losing a part of his body, the male buffalo was still not easily knocked to the ground.

After a while of getting tired of each other, some of the lions could only stand and watch their comrades take action.
It seemed that the war was about to come to an end, when the buffalo suddenly knocked a lioness into the air and had an unbelievable escape.


Lions always hunt smaller animals like wildebeest because they are easier to hunt, but if the herd is large enough, they can catch larger prey like buffalo. However, the success rate is very low because buffaloes are usually heavier and stronger than lions.


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