“Mongoose’s Vengeful Pact: A Savage Pledge to Conquer Cobras”

The cobra is an extremely venomous snake that occurs in many parts of the world. Their venom in one bite can kill dozens of people if divided.
Although very poisonous, there is an animal that is not afraid of cobras. They consider cobras as a delicious daily meal and often fight death.
It is the mongoose, a small, agile animal that can resist snake venom.
The most dramatic confrontation ever will be the best footage for you. The fight was recorded when two animals happened to meet in the rain and one was killed.
The mongoose is very quick to dodge deadly attacks from the cobra and then attacks the cobra’s head area.
The snake began to panic and hide in the mud, but it still couldn’t escape its impending death. Just a few more attacks and the mongoose killed the cobra.
The video is said to be the most fascinating of the wars that have ever taken place.