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Crocodiles are large reptiles that appeared on earth at the same time as dinosaurs about 240 million years ago.

Despite their slow, sluggish appearance, crocodiles are fearsome predators in the wild, whether in the water or on land.

To do that, crocodiles are favored by nature to bestow many advantages, suitable for hunting such as short, big, strong feet; powerful, flattened, paddle-shaped tail on the back. Crocodile ears and nose are very sensitive to help communicate as well as detect prey from afar. Its eyes are able to see clearly both during the day and at night making it an all-around hunter.

In particular, the characteristic weapon of crocodiles lies in their extremely strong jaws along with 24 sharp and pointed teeth that help them easily cut meat of any animal, no matter how big or big they are. whatever.


Crocodiles are known to be superior predators in their habitat. Some crocodile species dare to attack and kill lions, large ungulates and even sharks.

In addition to deadly strength and cold appearance, crocodiles also possess a “weapon” that can kill other species even while sleeping. Not only that, crocodiles are also known to be sworn enemies of elephants, because they often kill baby elephants playing around the riverbank.

Even if you go to the night, there are days when you meet ghosts, like in the clip below, the crocodile is “punished” by a giant African elephant.


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