
“Lion vs. Zebra: The Mother’s Protective Instincts Prevail”


Dramatic video of a lion-zebra clash shows that the predator doesn’t always win. The video shows the lion organizing an attack on a herd of zebras and wildebeest grazing in the field.

The lion’s plan initially succeeded when they took the initiative to separate the herbivores into two groups. While the other lions continued to chase the large group, one lion broke off the pack, chased the small group running in the opposite direction and caught a young, immature zebra.

The lion quickly grabbed the prey by the neck, pressing it back to the ground. What seemed to be an easy meal, suddenly appeared another zebra, apparently the mother of the restrained horse.


Without hesitation, the zebra bravely jumped in to interrupt, even using its own head as a lever to pressurize the lion. The horse’s fierceness and strength forced the lion to temporarily let go of its prey.

Come to the mother and daughter zebras have escaped the predator and returned to their herd


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