
Strategic Theft: Aging Lion Robs Hyena of Its Meal and Satiates Its Hunger Amidst the Hyena’s Defeat


The lion, the king of the grasslands, is an animal with superior terrestrial hunting ability thanks to its large, robust body and excellent hunting skills. People often only see strong and brutal in the hunting phase, but few see the last moments of their life.

An elderly lion is trying to walk in hunger and it decides to steal the prey of the hyenas. He used all his remaining strength to drive away the hyenas and got him a newborn zebra.

But the hyena is not easily ignored, it begins to surround the lion. The lion tries to move its meal and a bush, after eating a bit of food stolen from the hyena. The lion lies down and hides in the tree to avoid being attacked by the hyena.


The hyena also successfully recaptured the prey and spared the lion’s life. Days later the lion gradually exhausted and had to confront many other enemies.

The jackals also came and found that the lion had no meat left, so they left quickly.

The lion finally accepted a slow, painful death. The recently posted video has reached more than 1m views and is going viral.


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