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“A Unique Lesson: Father Documents 13ft Burmese Python Coiling Around His Baby”


A father has released a video of his 14-month-old daughter ‘playing’ with a huge python in order to show that the snake is not dangerous.

The clip shows toddler Alyssa Guarino, now three, as she plays with a 13ft Burmese python in her family’s home in Warren, a suburb of Detroit, Michigan.

Alyssa’s father, professional snake handler Jamie Guarino, says the giant snake posed no danger to his little girl and that pythons simply have a bad reputation.

Mr Guarino, 34, has made it his mission to educate people about snakes, saying the reptiles can be loving pets despite their bad reputation.

As part of his crusade for snakes, he has released the video of Alyssa filmed some time ago where she lies on the floor playing with his ten-year-old Burmese python Nay-Nay.

Mr Guarino said: ‘I was trying to show that snakes are not evil creatures, they can be a loving pet despite their bad reputation. My daughter was absolutely in no danger.’

‘When people see the way Nay-Nay is with Alyssa they mostly react with fear or negativity and I don’t understand why.

‘As you can see the snake is roaming around and it has no interest in biting her, or choking her or swallowing her. This is an embedded fear and I think people are just brainwashed.’


The father-of-three regularly lets his young children play with snakes, and his oldest daughter Krista, ten, helps him care for his large collection of reptiles.

The Guarinos share their home with a staggering 30 reptiles, including 13ft Nay-Nay, anacondas and alligators.

‘I think the benefits of raising children around exotics is simple, they can open up their mind to something different rather than your average pet,’ Mr Guarino adds.

‘My plan is to open up a reptile zoo with my daughters. we want to share our passion and educate people that reptiles belong.’

But his relaxed attitude toward his beloved snakes raises eyebrows amongst people who see them as inherently dangerous.

Jamie said: ‘To those of you who might see this as irresponsible or dangerous, please don’t judge me based on fear or something you don’t understand. Snakes can be and are loving animals.

‘If you research the facts there an 95 per cent more dog attacks than snakes.

‘My daughter was absolutely in no danger.’


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