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Styling Dilemma: Girl Gorilla Seeks Advice on Matching Clothing with Her Eye Color


Alice the gorilla proved that a true fashionista does not give up when something doesn’t fit as she battled to put on a bright blue t-shirt – and won.

After an initial confusion, Alice tugged and pulled at the garment for the best part of 30 minutes and finally decided to wear it her own way.

At one stage the ten-year-old gorilla diva managed to get the blue top over her head and an arm through one of her sleeves, looking mightily pleased with herself.

But then came the trick of taking it off.

Ultimately she lost patience, and her temper, with the T-shirt and her mother Fredrika stepped in and took it from her.

The hilarious images were taken by wildlife photographer Adrian Tavano when he visited Miami Zoo in Florida.

Tavano, 40, from Miami, said: ‘The keeper threw the shirt to Alice which surprised me as I’ve never seen them do it before.


‘Alice had a blast with the blue T-shirt, she ran with it, tried to put it on and then ripped it when it wouldn’t fit nicely on her.’

‘I was really amazed to observe her putting her arms through the sleeves of the top just like humans do.’

‘I was making my last stop at the western lowland gorilla exhibit in the zoo and just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

‘Alice really loved the T-shirt and I was really happy to see her having a good time.

‘She played with it for a least 30 minutes until her mum took it away from her.’


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