animalmonkeymonkey story

Wild Monkey Breaks Into The Office And Starts Working Right Away


National Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan is on winter break.

However, despite the largely silent atmosphere in the offices and classrooms, there is still someone working diligently.

Evidently, Chang Morgan made the decision to visit an apparently unoccupied office on campus the other day, only to be surprised to learn that it wasn’t really empty after all.

A wild macaque was seated at a desk in that location. The monkey appeared to have found a way into the structure since he appeared to be concentrated on a difficult task with his small forehead furrowed in apparent concentration.

His enterprise? Crazy business. Obviously.

Despite how out of the ordinary the monkey’s presence may seem, it is not unheard of. The site is close to a macaque habitat, and the creatures are known to explore both the inside and outside of the school, according to school authorities.


The university’s senior vice president, Huang I-yu, told the Taipei Times that there had been numerous instances of macaques breaking into student residences and stealing packages of instant noodles or causing damage to personal property.

It may never be known exactly what kind of monkey business this particular monkey was up to, but maybe, after his work is done, he remembers to carve out a little time for pleasure, too.



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