animalattackmonkeymonkey story

Terrified 12-day-old boy was rushed into the house and stolen by monkeys


A tragic incident has just happened in the Indian city of Agra when a 12-day-old boy was lying on his mother’s breast when a monkey suddenly grabbed him, bit his head, and let him go.

When he was chased and beaten and stoned by a neighbor, the monkey then released the baby from the neighbor’s roof. The boy later died on the way to the hospital due to excessive blood loss.


Not long before, in May 2018, a group of monkeys attacked two foreign tourists at the Taj Mahal, a popular tourist attraction of the city of Agra. Part of the reason why the monkeys in this area are becoming more and more aggressive and attacking people is because the city of Agra is expanding, causing the monkeys to be displaced from their natural habitat.

Organizations and individuals in Agra are calling on the authorities to compensate victims of monkey attacks.


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