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Rampaging monkeys are sinking their teeth into bums and legs of terrified locals


A group of rampaging monkeys are terrifying residents of a city after a month-long biting spree.

The municipal government in Kitakyushu, southwestern Japan, announced that the latest victim was a man in his 70s, bitten on his bum in the city’s Wakamatsu Ward last Friday (September 10).

The man found the monkey munching down on some chestnuts in a farm field before it launched itself towards him and delivered the painful blow, according to Kitakyushu’s wild animal authorities.

The Wakamatsu Ward in particular has been a hotbed of crazed monkey activity, with 18 people suffering from their wrath there since August 7.

On August 10 the municipal government warned residents after there were four incidents of monkey bites in just one day.

It would seem like they’re targeting the elderly too with the first victim that day being 70-year-old Anya. She was hanging laundry in her garden at around 9.30am when a primate sunk its teeth into her right calf.

Later, a 34-year-old police officer was bitten in his left leg when out responding to a monkey sighting. Two women bitten in the evening of August 10 rounded off that day’s terror in the ward.


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Although nobody was seriously injured, residents were told to avoid the manic macaques at all costs and to remain silent when near one.

Set box traps were also laid by officials to help curb the chaos, and trucks blaring out warning sirens have been patrolling the area.

Authorities have also said that the problem is only getting worse. There were 37 monkey sightings and monkey-related problems in the city during the 2019 fiscal year, 243 during the 2020 fiscal year, and this year there have been 211 between April and June alone.

The Japanese Macaque, also known as the snow monkey, is the most common primate on the archipelago and is the likely culprit.


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