Terrifying moment watching kingfisher swallow poisonous snakes in three seconds

Wildlife rescuer William Watson captured a kookaburra kingfisher enjoying a snake while perched on a fence in his yard in Tewantin, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, according to today’s Long Room. Watson claimed that the bird finished the meal in only 10 minutes.
From head to toe, the serpent fought. Only the snake’s tail remained in the kookaburra’s mouth when it had finished eating. It completely ingested its prey. Although we never saw a kookaburra fly into the garden, we frequently saw them doing so. A situation like that,” Watson said.
The kingfisher is seen in the video grabbing a snake in its beak as its prey tries to flee. Sometimes the bird will slam its snake against the wooden barrier. The kingfisher cocked his head back and sucked the snake carefully into his stomach, determined not to loose his prey.
The largest kingfisher in the world, the kookaburra, frequently hunts snakes, according to the Australian Reptile Park. The park representative said that as soon as a kookaburra spots its meal, it will swoop down and seize it with its beak.